
Ghost Frames (was Flying stacks: limits?)

I was answering an inquiry about Trlby stacks in e-mail and figured that 
I'd put this part of it on the net to help clarify (or further confuse) 
the ghost frame thread..

Here's an ASCII drawing of a ghost frame.. 

                   |<-------- 17.5"----------->|
                   |                           |
                     /-----------------------\  -------
                 a  /                         \  b   /|\
                   /                           \      |
                   \                           /      |
                    \                         /       |
                     \                       /        |
                      \                     /         |
                       \                   /          |
                        \                 /          19.5"
                         \               /            |
                          \             /             |
                           \           /              |
                            \         /               |
                             \       /                |
                              \     /                \|/
                               \---/  -------------


I made mine out of some 3/8 dia by .032 wall aluminum tubing welded 
together that I had in the bonepile at the shop. (I'm a machinist by 
trade).. The bridle lines are attached with cheater loops at a-b-c, and the 
ghost is attached to the lead kite by 16" lines and cheater loops.. I've 
also made ghost frames of fiberglas (J65 or K75) tubing with vinyl tubes to 
tie it all together.. The drawback I've found with the fiberglas/vinyl is 
that the frame will sometimes precess or tend to turn 'inside out' in 
higher winds.. The dimensions of a-b-c will work for a Trlby, and should be 
altered to match the bridle attachment points for other diamond sails like 
Dyna-Kite or Peter Powell. On looking more closely at the concept, you 
might be able to use a "T" shape instead of a triangle, as it seems that 
the main purpose of the ghost is to act as a spreader to better distribute 
the load from the train to the bridle lines, and to keep the lead kite from 
collapsing under the wind load.. The material it's made from would have to 
be pretty stout, however, to stand the higher beam loading and the weight 
might get out of hand..

N.B. that the "T" ghost is only a theory and that I've not tried it as 
yet.. If anyone does try it, I'd like to hear of your results..  If it 
breaks your kite(s), I'll deny everything :-)  :-)  :-)

Ob. Disclaimer:

I am a stunt kite dealer and carry some of the above mentioned
product(s). As such, my opinions may tend to be somewhat subjective.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Good Winds and Tight Lines!

Dan Rubesh                                           Wind Wizard, Purveyor of
UUCP: {ucsd, nosc}!crash!danr       GO               Stunt Kites & Accessories 
ARPA: crash!danr@nosc.mil          FLY A             P.O. Box 5747    
INET: danr@crash.cts.com           KITE!             Ventura, CA  93005
                                                     (805) 659-5654

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