Introduction, Acknowledgements, and Netiquette A. Introduction This is the general FAQ for rec.kites. It has two parts: Part 1 0. Introduction, Acknowledgements, and Netiquette 1. rec.kites FAQs 2. Archives, Gateway/Mailing List, Mirrors, WWW sites 3. Organizations 4. Magazines 5. Books and Videos; AKA Publications 6. Flight Simulator software 7. Newsletters available on rec.kites 8. Kitemaking Workshops 9. rec.kites Charter Part 2 10. Questions and Answers; Glossary 11. Materials 12. Equipment 13. Bridling 14. Safety Comments, corrections, and contributions are welcomed. Send to Anne Rock ( Last revised 12 September 1994. B. Acknowledgements The history of the general FAQ is undocumented, but the names Mike Connell, Mike Barrett, Evan Splett, and Marty Sasaki have been linked with it. Thanks to: Ken Ritchie for creating rec.kites and writing the charter; Marty Sasaki for starting and maintaining the gateway and mailing list; Kevin Mayeshiro for maintaining the archives; All the kite flyers who contribute to rec.kites. C. Netiquette 1. Read news.announce.newusers articles if you're new to net news. 2. Read all available articles before posting a follow-up. 3. Many systems do not wrap lines. Keep line length to less than 80 characters and hit a carriage return at the end of each line. 4. Tips to ensure the most readers of your articles: a. Use descriptive and concise "Subject:" lines. b. If you branch off from the original topic of a thread, change the "Subject:" line. c. Include only relevant lines from previous articles; remove headers and signatures. d. Put a return address in the body of your message. The gateway removes mail addresses, which prevents some readers from knowing how to contact you directly. If you also add your location (city, state/province), you might meet nearby rec.kiters. e. Use 'world' distribution to ensure that everyone gets your article (some distributions may not include Harvard, location of the gateway, thus limiting distribution).