%% INCLUDE html/header title = "MultiGIF: GIF Animation Tool - download" keywords = "MultiGIF,GIF,Animation,unix,msdos,source,download" description = "MultiGIF: Portable GIF Animation Tool - download" bodytags = "vlink=\"#4141ba\"" %% %% INCLUDE header heat = 120 secname = multigif secdesc = "Multigif" back = "code/multigif.html" %%

PC Binaries

Pre-compiled binaries (MULTIGIF.EXE and GIFINFO.EXE) for PC users and README file. No sample files or source code included.

mgif10pc.zip 37205

Source Archives

Portable source code for MultiGIF and GIFInfo including Makefile and README file. No sample files or compiled binaries included. All archives have identical content.

multigif.1.0.src.tar.gz 20771
multigif.1.0.src.tar.Z 34190
mg10src.zip 24802

Sample Images

Optional sample images for testing purposes and for illustrating the use of MultiGIF. No source code or binaries included.

multigif.1.0.sample.tar.gz 25280
multigif.1.0.sample.tar.Z 42388
mg10smpl.zip 31720

%% INCLUDE footer %%