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The Day Job

Much of The Day Job is spent sitting in The Office in front of an Indy tapping away like a woodpecker on speed. When I'm not hacking or slurping from the Sacred Mug of Coffee, you'll probably find me messing about with some graphics, touching up a photo, fiddling with a font or doing a bit of 3d modelling.

Hackery and Imagery you might say.


There's also the Guestbook, the Hex Colour Converter and a few other web-based tools and utilities that come to mind, but seeing as they've got their own section further down the page, I'll pass on them here. You can also check out the Code Junkie pages for other non-work and/or non-web related software I've written and made available for download.


The other side to The Day Job involves the graphic design and creation of web pages (and formerly, Multimedia Training graphics and user interfaces).

Pictures speak louder than words, so check out some example of what I do when the creative mood strikes:

For more examples of graphic work I've done, check out the Digital Artist section which looks at Ray Tracing, 3D modelling, Photoshop work, etc.



 Screen Shot

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