
Rogallo ( unsparred ) parawing

Mark de Roussier asks about building a Rogallo Parawing.

I built one a few years ago from the plans in the book _Kite Craft_ by Lee
Scott Newman and Jay Hartley Newman ((c) 1974).  It flew reasonably well.
Here are the basics:

The kite is a 15" square, preferably of mylar (though fabric will work).
If you use fabric, use a 16" square with a 1/2" hem on each side.  The kite
has 6 shrouds.  On the leading edge, the shrouds should be 8" long and
attached 6.5" and 11.5" from the top corner.  The two shrouds on the "keel"
should be 9.25" long and placed 6" and 12 7/8" from the top corner.  The
tail is attached via 2 10" pieces of line.  They should be attached 6.5"
from the bottom corner of the kite.

And here's the key.  Mark mentioned that they were trying to fly without a
tail.  Quoted from the book:

        The parawing has little drag and comparatively little lift; it is
        therefore very sensitive to size and length of the tail.  To find
        the best length and shape requires experimentation.  Begin with a
        tail 30" long, 1" wide, attached on a 10" line from the trailing
        edge of the kite fold.

(note, the mention of the 10" attachment line is different from what is
shown in the graphic plan for the kite; in the plan, the bridle is attached
via a piece of line folded in half with an overhand knot in the center.
The length from the knot to the trailing edge is 10" on each side)

As I said, I *have* successfully flown this kite.  My version was made of a
fairly heavy mylar with thread for bridle lines, with the attachment points
strengthened with scotch tape.

Good luck!

|Jeffrey C. Burka     | "When I look in the mirror, I see a little clearer/ |

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