
How to splice hollow braided line

Step 1.  Lay the two bitter ends 3 and C side by side and mark the points  
         1A and 2B.  The marks should be about 6 inches between 1 & 2 and
         about 6 inches between 2 & 3.
                          1          2          3
LEFT _____________________:__________:___________
RIGHT                     A          B          C

STEP 2.  Reposition the bitter ends so that points 1,2 & 3 line up with
         points C,B & A respectively.
                          1          2          3
LEFT _____________________:__________:___________
                          C          B          A                   RIGHT

STEP 3.  Using a sewing needle or piano wire fid, feed end C into the
         LEFT line at point 2 and out about one inch beyond point 1.
        (NOTE: It is important to keep end C exposed until the last step)
                      C  1           2          3
LEFT __________________\_:___________:___________
                                   B  \____________________________
                                               A                    RIGHT

STEP 4.  Using a sewing needle or piano wire fid, feed end 3 into the
         RIGHT line at point B and out about one inch beyond point A.
        (NOTE: It is important to keep end 3 exposed until the last step)
                        C  1         2
LEFT ____________________\_:__________         A
                                       B         \ 3                RIGHT

STEP 5.  Pull on ends C and 3 until junction 2B is snug together.
LEFT ______________________\___________________ ___________________
                                    2B         \ 3                  RIGHT

STEP 6.  Pinch junction 2B tightly and milk the LEFT and RIGHT lines
      away from the junction.  This action if done properly will
      bury the ends C and 3 within the lines LEFT and RIGHT.
      If the ends are not buried, cut a little off and redo steps
      5 and 6.

                             FINISHED SPLICE
                          (almost undetectable)

LEFT ______________________________________________________________ RIGHT
                           1C        2B        3A

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