ultralight spectra (was: seams)
Subject: ultralight spectra (was: seams)
From: danr@crash.cts.com (Dan Rubesh)
Date: 01 Nov 92 22:30:47 PST
Jeff writes:
>Have you tried with any of the ultralight spectra? (25#, 45#
>spiderline, 50# speed, 50# top shelf (I hear Fran's ultralight stuff
>is braided. Has anyone flown on it? How is it?))
I've been using Shanti's 50# speed for quite a bit of light wind
flying with a Goodwinds Zephyr, Katana, Tracer, El Nino and found it
very nice for light wind work.. Usually I use a 50' or 35' set, but
have also used some 75' along with finger straps for better feel..
I've broken a few, too when a gust comes along, but the break has
usually been right at the knot (sleeved), so the set is only shortened
about a foot with retying the lines.. I use 30# dacron for sleeving
with the 50# speed.. Shanti's 50# speed is braided, and I didn't
realize that Fran had a braided product also.. I'll check that out
next call to High Fly.. I haven't as yet tried any of the spiderline..
Ob. Disclaimer:
I am a stunt kite dealer and carry some of the above mentioned
product(s). As such, my opinions may tend to be somewhat subjective.
Good Winds and Tight Lines!!
Wind Wizard
Purveyor of High Quality, High Performance Stunt Kites and Accessories
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