Rev II spar
Things seem to be getting real confusing here, so let's just start with some
Rev 2-Wrap:
32.5" length, 12.9 grams.
Used in Rev II light wind kit
Not used in stock Rev II
Fairly fragile
Stiffness equal to about an AFC 2100
You don't want to fly with these in any signifcant wind (more than
say, 6 MPH).
Rev 3-Wrap
32.5" length, 18.6 grams.
Used in Rev I light wind kit
Used in stock Rev II
Pretty tough, hard to break.
Stiffness = AFC 2400
You can use these in most wings and fly in almost anything. The
Rev I sparred 3-Wrap shouldn't be flown in more than about 10 MPH.
Rev 4-Wrap
32.5" length, 24.4 grams
Used in stock Rev I
Real, real tough.
Stiffness > AFC 2540
Use the 4-wrap for heavy wind kite/real big kite.
Rev 2-wrap has a reputation for breaking real easy--mostly, I think, because
many people mistake a special purpose rod for a general use rod (I never fly
my 2-wrap kites in over 5 MPH).
Rev 3-wrap is pretty tough stuff, and I hardly ever hear of people breaking
their Rev II frames.
I've never heard of or seen Rev 5-wrap (I've seen Rev 6-wrap, but never
Hope this helps...
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