Stunt: Leading edge launch
Subject: Stunt: Leading edge launch
From: reich@cod.nosc.mil (Ronald S. Reich)
Date: Tue, 25 May 1993 04:47:30 -1000
The leading edge launch is best learned with the kite
positioned about 30 feet in from the edge of the wind window.
Point the nose of the kite into the wind. The objective will be
to first get the kite to start sliding into the wind. Once it
has started to slide into the wind you're home free. With the
kite laying on its leading edge pointing into the wind, gently
pull on the line attached to the wing that is up. Continue
gently pulling until the kite leans toward you about 30 degrees.
Maintain this hand position and start slowly backing up. The
kite should start to slide into the wind. When it does, then
start backing up briskly, The kite should start to lift off the
ground, at which time you should start steering as usual. What
might happen is the the kite will just flip over to the other
leading edge on the ground. To keep this from happening you will
need to put a little more tension on the line attached to the
leading edge which is on the ground. Normally the kite can be
made to flip back and forth switching the leading edge in contact
with the ground by just a firm tug on the wing that is up while
the other line is completely slack.
P.S. Most delta kites edge launch easier when the bridle is set
high. (Move the clip up to shorten the top leg of the bridle)
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